
human announces latest $50k investment in a conversation with Samuel Adetunji, investor and founder of Veriheal.

how to be a better human while dating - that girl the podcast.


dawn cornelius joins jackie brubaker on that girl the podcast to talk about how to date better. they discuss why people are afraid to be vulnerable, how people can better open up and how human is helping strip away the pretenses of online dating to help people be seen for who they really are and to truly connect with others for who they really are. “the lid is about to be blown off of the online dating world,” says brubaker.


human featured on denver7 on valentine’s day

“human puts ai in the driver’s seat of your love life.” exactly.


the artificial intelligence dating app. matchmaker, abby rosenblum interviews dawn cornelius, the founder of a new dating app called human. the app uses ai to create your profile based on your real activity online to make sure members are truthful and take away the stress of summing up your entire personality in a few sentences.

interview on the feel inspired podcast by amit sodha

episode 41. “how to know you're ready for love, now!”

are you ready for love? and can artificial intelligence help you find your forever person on an app called human? -with guest dawn cornelius, founder | ceo

listen on all major podcast platforms including apple and spotify including facebook and the inspired podcast website.

nashville post article on 11.24.21

cornelius touts the app as leveraging advanced ai, machine learning and predictive analytics built for those looking for their “forever person.”

“we are totally revolutionizing the way people connect and find meaningful relationships using technology in a way no other platform has done before,” she said in the release. “i’ve spent the last eight years researching the challenges of current relationship solutions and they are fraught with many barriers for those who are over 30, busy professionals looking to establish deep connections with others.”


“using technology to ensure you have a more human and honest experience is at the core of what this product is.”

— dawn cornelius, founder, human